You don’t have to be into fishing – or even fish at all – to be eligible for fishing scholarships for moms. You do, however, have to be interested in marine sciences, and you do have to be a graduate student. This particular fishing scholarship is funded, managed, and awarded by the IWFA – International Women’s Fishing Association.
1955 the IWFA was founded with the intent to advance women in fishing which has long been perceived as primarily a mans sport. Ironically the IWFA all started by the wife’s of the men who would attend and participate in these fishing tournaments. The IWFA is looked at as one of the most celebrated fishing clubs for women which regularly sponsors tournaments throughout the world. Becoming a member allows you to participate in these events and other benefits as well such as their monthly electronic newsletters keeping you informed of all upcoming activities and other events and advice from their member website. The IWFA fishing scholarship program is intended to further strengthen conservation in the world – particularly anything related to marine science. Needless to say the IWFA has become wildly popular among fishing women anglers.
In order to be eligible for this mom scholarship, you must be accepted by a graduate program of study in marine sciences. The award amount is $2000, and you must be considered a ‘proper recipient’ for this award. This means that your school must decide that you eligible for the award.
Awards are made based on your personal qualifications that include your aptitude and ability in the study of marine sciences. Your character will also be considered, as well as your academic record. You must also demonstrate financial need in order to be considered for this award. March 1st is the cut off date when all applications must be in.
It is important to note that while this fishing scholarship is awarded by a women’s organization, it is available for men and for women who are pursuing a graduate degree in marine sciences. It is not a scholarship for moms specifically either, but the number of awards that are made each year is not reported, and if you are studying toward marine sciences, this is definitely a mom scholarship that you need to apply for because the competition for the award will be minimal.
You can get more information by going to International Women’s Fishing Association fishing scholarships program. Even if you are not pursuing a graduate degree, or even a degree in marine sciences, you should look for specific organizations that relate to the program of study that you will be pursuing in order to find the moms scholarships that you need – especially scholarships for moms, or scholarships for single moms from those specific associations or organizations.
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