Mothers who are considering going back to college to complete their education will find there are numerous little known scholarships for moms that can assist them with their financial needs. One such little known scholarship for moms is the PWFI scholarship. This women scholarship is sponsored by the Possible Woman Foundation International. This scholarship is awarded in recognition of the fact that, historically, women were infrequent attendees at institutions of higher learning. Today, fortunately, this is no longer true and the majority of college students are now female. Even so, women still continue to earn less money than men.
By offering such scholarships, PWFI hopes to correct this situation. Since 2001, the Possible Woman Foundation International has awarded more than $100,000 in mother scholarship funds to deserving female students. The organization addresses the need to support and educate women as they progress through a variety of life stages, including their college years.
The ultimate goal of PWFI scholarships for moms is to provide women with the second opportunity they need to complete their education and advance their career. This mom scholarship is primarily intended for women who are stay at home mothers or single mothers and who may be returning to school following an extended absence or who may be trying to advance their current career or even change careers.
EFWA, the Educational Foundation for Women in Accounting, also offers scholarships to moms and women who are working toward achieving a degree. Candidates should be pursuing an undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate degree in Accounting. There are several scholarships for mothers and other women scholarships offered by EFWA and candidates may apply for more than one scholarship. The only exception to this rule is the Women in Transition and Women in Need scholarships. This scholarship is primarily designated for women who are the primary source of economic support for their families and who will be enrolling as a freshman student, working toward a Bachelor’s degree. The scholarship is worth $16,000 over a period of four years. The Women in Need scholarship is awarded to a woman who is completing her sophomore year of college. This scholarship has a value of $2,000 per year for a total of two years.
The Institute of Management Accountants funds two one year undergrad mom scholarships. These EFWA scholarships have a value of $2,000 each and are awarded to women who are pursuing a baccalaureate degree in accounting. Along with the cash award, winners will also receive a CMA Learning System kit.
The Seattle Chapter of ASWA offers a one year scholarship worth $2,000 to a graduate or undergraduate student who attends an institution of higher learning in Washington State. Women returning to school or attending college may also wish to apply for the Michele L. McDonald Memorial scholarship. This annual award is worth $1,000. Preference is given to women who return to school after an absence to work or raise children.
There are also many other little known scholarships for moms, such as the Moss Adams Foundation scholarship. This scholarship is worth $1,000 and is available to minority women who are returning to school or for juniors and seniors who are re-entry students. Women who are pursuing a 5th year requirement within a graduate program or as part of their general studies may also apply for this scholarship.
Career Fitters also offers scholarships for moms. These mother scholarships are available to high school seniors as well as current college students and graduate students. No age restrictions are placed on these scholarships. Students are required to maintain a 2.5 GPA to qualify for the scholarship.
eCampus Tours offers scholarships for moms. The deadline to apply for these scholarships is March 31st. To be considered for these scholarships, candidates are encouraged to apply online. Two winners will be selected to receive a $1,000 scholarship each. These little known scholarships for mothers may be used at any college of the student’s choice. Funds are issued directly to the school.