The unique AAUW scholarship, also known as the American Association of University Women scholarship, has a scholarship program, offering college scholarships for moms and also single women, including single parents. The AAUW awards $3 million annually, and also offers over 200 fellowships each year, as well as grants.
AAUW is a charitable organization which has one hundred thousand members operated through a system of connections of 1,000 branches and approximately five hundred colleges and university partners. Members join with the idea that they belong to an organization which is steamrolling the advancement of women’s educational and economic rights so all women have equal opportunities in their communities. AAUW does this through philanthropy, research, education and advocacy. This creates a future for women that are filled with hope by realizing their personal dreams.
The AAUW is considered one of the largest funding sources for graduate programs for women, but the organization also offers funding for undergraduate women as well. There are numerous AAUW scholarships for moms offered through the program, and you are automatically applying for all that you are eligible for with just one application. This is the unique outstanding feature about the American Association of University Women Scholarships. One application allows you to see if you’re eligible for many moms scholarships and others as well.
If you are a graduate student, you will find that there are numerous fellowships and grant opportunities that will lead you into research work, conducted through major universities, and focusing on how to improve schools and communities for the benefit of all women. The AAUW offers American Fellowships, Career Development Grants, Community Action Grants, International Fellowships, and Selected Profession Fellowships.
The deadline for applying for all grants, fellowships and AAUW scholarships is typically in March to April of each year. The award amounts of each grant, fellowship, and AAUW scholarship varies greatly, and you should apply for all that you are eligible for, which can be done with just one application.
As stated, there are unique scholarships for moms opportunities that cover undergraduate students as well, even though the focus is typically on opportunities for graduate students. While the graduate opportunities are offered by the organization as a whole, however, the undergraduate funding opportunities are offered by individual branches of the AAUW. This program is called the AAUW Branch and State Local Scholarship Clearinghouse Pilot Program. This is where you apply one time too many different types of AAUW scholarships for moms and women or single mothers. It’s a centralized online application process made simple and easy when applying to scholarships for moms. It really doesn’t get any better then this when applying to many different scholarships all at one time.
When you visit the site you will read application instructions, eligibility information, and be given information about AAUW scholarships that are not available in the online environment. Furthermore, you will register, take an eligibility quiz, and then complete the online application. You can also check the status of your application through this site as well. This is one unique scholarship site moms and single women want to become very familiar with because of these above reasons. Working smart when looking for moms scholarships is all about the AAUW scholarship website. Save a lot of time by taking full advantage of their services. Their goal is to help women and they really are big time with their unusual AAUW scholarship services.
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