If you are pursuing a degree in a technology related field, you may be interested to know that Google, along with Anita Borg, may help you pay for your education. Among all of the college mothers scholarships for moms that are available, this Google scholarship is one of the most lucrative – even though it is for all women, and not specifically moms. Even though you are a mother you want to be on the lookout for any female scholarship opportunity because you will miss out on a lot of potential financial aid. It may even be to your benefit that you are a mom when applying to some of these women scholarships.
This particular scholarship was established by Google in memory of Anita Borg who was one of a relatively small group of female computer scientists at the Ph.D. level who founded the Institute for Women and Technology (IWT) in 1997. In 2003 when Anita died the institute changed its name to the Anita Borg Institute. The Anita Borg Google scholarship mission is to encourage women to excel in computing and technology and become active role models and leaders in this industry as Anita Borg did. Anita loved math and science because she said “my mother taught me math was fun so I thought it was”.
These mothers scholarships are awarded in the amount of $10,000, and it is available for graduate and undergraduate students who are women. It is important to note that there are two separate Google and Anita Borg Scholarships. One is for undergraduate seniors, who are about to enter graduate school, while the other is the First Years Scholarship program, designed for students who are leaving high school and about to enter college.
While you can be in just about any technology related field of study, preference seems to be given to those students who are enrolled in a Computer Engineering Program or a Computer Science Program. You must maintain a GPA of 3.5 in order to be eligible. Awards are made based on your academic skills, and your leadership abilities. You do not have to be a United States citizen to apply, and even if you have applied before, but not won the award, you can reapply.
Aside from the Google mother scholarship award, you will also be eligible to visit the Google Headquarters, in Mountain View, California. You will be attending the Google Scholar’s Retreat when you visit, and your expenses will be paid. The event lasts for three days. Finalists are also welcome to attend. The 2010 retreat is called the Googleplex Fuse. Every year the retreat name is changed but the format stays the same – three days of the world according to Google.
You will need to submit electronic versions of your transcripts and your resume, and fill out the essay and the name and email addresses of your references at the time of your application. For more information about the Google Anita Borg scholarship for moms, and to apply online.
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