If you work, and you are a mom or a single mom, your employer may have scholarships for working moms that you do not know about. In some cases, the employer briefly mentions this during your training period, and you will never hear about it again – unless you ask.
You can easily find out if your employer offers working moms scholarships by contacting the Human Resources division within your company. If you work for a small business, ask the owner of the business directly if they have a moms scholarships program to help pay for your education. Many employers – large or small – will help to finance your education, particularly if you agree to work for them for a specified amount of time, and if you are seeking a degree in a field that correlates to their business.
Consider trade organizations that are associated with the type of company that you work for as well. Trade organizations almost always have some type of working moms scholarship opportunity, and even if the award amounts are small, many small awards can stack up to funds that are large enough to pay for your entire education.
If you are a member of a union, or your parents were members of a union, you may be eligible for working mom or moms scholarships that they offer, despite the fact that you are an adult. Larger unions will typically have scholarships that are available to the children of their members, no matter how old those children are. Labor unions are a great source for scholarships for moms.
Consider all memberships that you hold, as well as memberships that you could hold in the various organizations in your area, including national organizations. Check with charitable foundations as well, and large organizations, such as Coca-Cola, Ford, GM Motors, and Johnson and Johnson, which always have scholarships for working moms available.
Another really outstanding source of working moms scholarships is your local Chamber of Commerce to find out about scholarships that are offered locally by various businesses in your area that you can apply too. The Chamber of Commerce is very willing to help on all levels and if they can’t help you directly they should be able to offer suggestions on where you may find any mother scholarship programs in the area.
Women clubs would also be another authority on finding a working mom scholarship or grant. Find out what the local women clubs are in your area from the Chamber of Commerce or even call the city in which you reside. The Business and Professional Women Club for example has scholarships for working moms if you reside in certain areas of Pennsylvania. The Richardson Women Club Scholarship is for students attending Richland College in Dallas. If you check with the college you are or will be attending then they will be able to provide more women club suggestions which may be more active for scholarships for working moms.
*Johnson and Johnson Scholarships for Medical